Who are we?
We are La Xixa.
We create and develop Creative Social Innovation projects for social transformation. We do this through experiential methodologies such as the theatre of the oppressed, process work, and participatory and performative methodologies.
With an Intersectional approach, we advocate for and work around Interculturality, diversity, and critical awareness.

“We are all actors: being a citizen is not living in society, it is changing it”
Augusto Boal

What do we do?
Trainings, workshops, and interventions
We offer trainings, workshops, and specific actions for diverse groups, around the main subjects of La Xixa's action. Every year, we offer La Xixa's flagship training 'Facilitators of Intercultural Forum Theatre', which is free. We also offer other training for professionals and trainers.

Theatre Plays
by La Xixa Lab
La XixaLAB is La Xixa's theatre company, born from the organisation's experience over the years.
Its innovative theatrical proposals invite critical debate and collective reflection. It is made up of a professional cast with expertise in social theatre.

Practical Resources Handbooks & Guides
Our practical experiences allow us to systematize content and knowledge, turning them into accessible resources (such as handbooks, guides, or courses) for inspiration and consultation by professionals or the general public. These resources are free and are often developed in collaboration with other organizations at the European level.

European Projects
Happy Habits


"Working with La Xixa in the last 10 years has favored the approach of students to fundamental tools for the dynamization of groups with a community perspective, helping them to connect with their body and emotions as well as to question their stereotypes and prejudices about others."

Ferran Cortès
Head of Social Work Studies, University of Barcelona
"The experience of working with La Xixa has been highly positive and transformative [...] you were the first to give a complex view of discrimination and its approach in the city of Mataró[...] and it has had an impact on many of the professionals in mediation and education, schools and educational spaces you have passed through, as well as on neighbors. Drops make waves, and you are helping to make the sea."

Laia de Balanzó i Aguilar
Policies of Coexistence and Civility, City Council of Mataró
"As an entity, Elan Interculturel (Paris) is pleased to work with La Xixa for their passion and commitment in the fight against different forms of injustice and oppression, and also because they use a fantastic tool to carry out this work, which is theatre. Unfortunately, today cultural differences are still very much connected with injustice and oppression, so we greatly need these methods."

Vera Varhegyi
Co-Director of Elan Interculturel in Paris (European Partner)
"Having worked with La Xixa was decisive in beginning to use theatre as a tool for social transformation. [...] they have known how to adapt to very diverse groups in terms of cultures and language levels in terms of inclusion [...] We are proud to have trained other people with La Xixa, who have replicated the experience in their groups. Thank you."

Gaëlle Patin Laloy
Diversity and Interculturality Program at Casa Asia
"(Participants) had the sensitivity and the ability to listen and to take care of each other and to dialogue with respect. [...] (the participants) became aware of being oppressed and, in many cases, also as oppressors and realized [...] that it is necessary to act, not just to observe these situations and become aware, but to act to transform them, because not doing so is to be accomplices of the oppressors. [...] We can only show great gratitude and wish them success in the continuation of the work and that more people have the fortune to live these experiences.

Imma Llort
Coordinator of the Intercultural and Inclusive Education Program (Casa Asia)
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